What is planning?
The term “planning” may have many different connotations; but urban and regional planning is about setting future foundations to improve quality of life and the development choices that impact the social, economic and physical development of a place. To improve quality of life, we know that the planning process must deliver vision- an understanding of community wants and needs and providing tools to local leaders to attain them.
What about zoning?
Questions concerning zoning determinations and administration may be directed to our Building & Zoning Department at 937-382-3335. Any official determination of zoning applicability must be made by our Zoning Inspector. Interested in changing the zoning of your property in the unincorporated areas of Clinton County? Our Commission is your first stop- contact our staff and file our application for Zoning Change Recommendation.
Where can I find maps and property information?
Clinton County boasts an extensive Geographic Information System (GIS) with many informative maps and resources, www.clintoncountyohgis.org or contact our GIS Manager at 937-382-0035.
Where can i find economic Development Resources?
The Clinton County Port Authority is the lead economic development agency for Clinton County and should be contacted for any economic development-related questions. The Wilmington Clinton County Chamber of Commerce hosts Clinton County's comprehensive economic development website www.wccchamber.com which details economic development, workforce and business development efforts locally, contact the Chamber at 937-382-2767.